First Timer

 Just what is this study?
This is the most in-depth and comprehensive daily Big Book Study anywhere on the Internet. You will find this site refreshingly accurate and true to the magnificent spiritual text, story and prayer book, “Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism.

This is NOT "AA Lite".   This serious Study, the completeness and intensity of which is unlike any other daily Big Book Study you have ever seen in your Web travels.  THAT ALONE ought to make most folks pass on by - and please feel free to do so. The approach is entirely NO BULL-SHALE.   No Twelve & Twelve. No crystals, mantras or New Age thought. Just plain old Judeo/Christian, Twelve Step speak as written practiced and experience - with ZERO religion added.

But if you are an alcoholic and seek a solution, or are already recovered and just want to keep your own studies fresh (And perhaps even help others with your experience) - then you will not be sorry you have begun to make this site regular fare.

This online version of Big Book study is not new. (The Facebook connection to it is the most recent recent feature) It was originally founded on Yahoo, October 11, 2006 and has been running continuously ever since. What this 'blog' version represents is a shift-over from there - a mirror site, you might call it. It takes us about three years to go through the entire book. (If you were hoping for some "Cliff" notes style interpretations of the Big Book you are probably in the wrong place.)

This site holds the same two purposes as the Yahoo site. They are, (i) to help others bring the focus of the typical online AA type recovery group back to the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous. And (ii) provide the learning necessary for cyber AA folks to return to their own face-2-face groups armed with Big Book understanding. We find this helps MAXIMIZE our usefulness. We hope it does you too.

If you are familiar with the Primary Purpose Group in Dallas Texas then you will notice that this study has certain similarities. It ought to. A good ninety percent of the formatting closely mimics that groups "guidebook" - which is a safe and true, Q & A formatting of the original text. No one is rewriting the Big Book, and it is for the purity of that Guidebook that it was chosen to assist in the study presentation for this site.  Q & A is merely a great, proven tool used in presentation of the Big Book.

If you follow along, you will learn much.

Although the owner and facilitator of this study site (Me. Danny S) does enjoy close personal friendships with members of the Dallas Group, and there are members of that group who have for long been members of the Yahoo Primary Purpose Group, this site has no official affiliation with the Dallas AA Group except in spirit, love and affinity for the spiritual solution to alcoholism and the format. (In other words, when my commentaries piss you off, don’t call Dallas!) It is “principles BEFORE personalities” not “Principles and NO personality.” If you are looking for all principle with zero personality, then this probably not the place for you.

We have been around for a number of years and have been witnessing a very stark reality. We see our success rate and long term sobriety slip from, "Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path" to

"seldom do we see a person recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body."

In our real-time, f2f experience we have watched the groups we were betting our lives on downsize or become history. We were not realizing the Promises of the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous. We were confused and were not comprehending the word serenity nor were we enjoying the peace we once had.

With this thought in mind, this Group is an Open Membership Group so all who have an interest in learning about the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous are welcome.

Please join us in the Fellowship of the Spirit as we try to pass on THIS message of hope that is found only in a book titled, Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism”

 I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy and learn from this experience. If you have never actively participated in a Big Book Study before - be prepared to have a totally new experience in the Fellowship - NOW! It will be a new experience for many of you – and you have my undying love and all of my attentions with any matter regarding this new Big Book adventure here online.

If you like it -- if it helps you -- then please don't keep us a secret - spread the word.

In Service with Love,

Danny S