Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Anger - Evidence of Playing God

Step we are on: Three

Chapter: 5 "How It Works"

Subject: Playing God, resentment, self-pity, self-centeredness, The Actor, Anger

Good morning.

The co-authors are leading up to a point with this comparison of men and women with the actor. Here is a guy who likes to play God. Watch what happens to him as he does.

  • Who gets the blame?
Admitting he may be somewhat at fault, he is sure that other people are more to blame.
Outward 'admittance' even sometimes self-deprecation - while secretly fuming ("he is sure") over the injustices caused by others is something alcoholics and all spiritually ill people do.
  • How does this make him feel?
He becomes angry, indignant, self-pitying.

(Note:  Was this the way it was with you?)

Anger has gotten into him.  (This is going to be important to know later on)

  • What is his basic trouble? Two sentences
What is his basic trouble? Is he not really a self-seeker even when trying to be kind?

'Self-seeking' means seeking one's own happiness or interests or giving undue attention to one’s own interests or advantage over others.
~ The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938
  • He is the victim of what illusion?
Is he not a victim of the delusion that he can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this world if he only manages well?

“If only <fill in your favorite injustice> could be <fill in your favorite solution>. Then I would be happy.”Trying to control others in order to install personal peace and happiness to oneself is a very time-consuming pastime.

Have you ever done this? Do you do it now? Do you ever seek to restore the good old days?

  • What should be evident to all the other people in his life?
Is it not evident to all the rest of the players that these are the things he wants?

"Looking out" for everybody else is a huge distraction from one’s own angry, dissatisfied condition.

Peace and  Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic


  1. This reminds me of the pride in reverse thing from the 12/12...wen the bb says, "while secretly fuming"...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My bad I meant the self seeker part...

    3. My bad I meant the self seeker part...
