
Welcome to the daily Primary Purpose Open Big Book Study. This site is not affiliated with AA nor endorsed by it – but the facilitator (me)  has found the solution to our problem as passed on to us by the co-founders of the Fellowship and co-authors of the book entitled "Alcoholics Anonymous".

All who have an interest in alcoholism and the program of recovery are welcome here.  Because of this you need not ever identify yourself nor your reason for being here if you do not wish to do so.  If you comment here your anonymity will be protected in-as-far as you decide to protect it yourself.

While this blog in no way represents an online AA meeting per-se, there may be many non-AA members participating or at least lurking - it should be noted that actual membership in F2F Alcoholics Anonymous is limited to those who suffer from alcoholism and have a desire to stop drinking for good and all. There are a number of other Fellowships and online Groups and blogs that deal with problems other than alcoholism.

That being said, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to try to help you find one that will meet your needs.

Some of you are looking for a Sponsor.  Please fee free contact me directly as I do maintain a list of those who have taken the Steps and been blessed with a Spiritual Awakening AND has the time and willingness to work with others . They may be able to help you locate a sponsor in your area or take the job themselves. If you meet this description, please consult “DATABASE" page – found on the left hand side of our YAHOO 'sister' site
Get back there here:  http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/aa_Primary_Purpose_Big_Book_Study/database?method=reportRows&tbl=1

In this way newcomers looking for guidance can see who they can temporarily entrust their lives to.  If you see someone commenting or in the database who you want to help you, contact them privately – NOT in this Study.

Now for our study cycle here: We have elected to use a "Big Book Study Guide" prepared for the study. It is from our friends at the Dallas Primary Purpose Group - a real, f2f group with which this blog has no official affiliation other than the sharing of a love for truth, recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous.

 If anyone would like a list of groups which currently use our format – please email me.

This format will help us stay focused on the study of the Big Book.  

It is well for all of us to remember at all times the words of Bill W., one of the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous:  "Sobriety – freedom from alcohol – is the sole purpose of any Alcoholics Anonymous Group."  Therefore, any comments other than those relating to your alcoholism should be reserved for another time and another place.

I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy and learn from this experience. If you have never actively participated in a Big Book Study before - be prepared to have a totally new experience in the Fellowship - NOW! It will be a new experience for many of you – and you have my undying love and all of my attentions with any matter regarding this new Big Book adventure here online.

If you like it -- if it helps you -- then please don't keep us a secret - spread the word.

 Oh… just one more thing about anonymity. It is “principles BEFORE personalities” not “Principles and NO personality.”  I do have one. If you are looking for ALL  principle with ZERO personality, then this not the place for you. 

In Service with Love,

Danny Schwarzhoff - RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
