Monday, April 1, 2013

Capacity for Honesty

Step We Are On: Five


: 6 “Into Action”

Subject: Discussing ourselves with another person

Good morning. Once someone pursuing this spiritual recovery method called “The Steps,” has taken Steps Three and Four and decided to put the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous to the test, they are ready to go into action.
At this phase of the 12 Step process that means being at long last honest, perhaps for the first time in his life.
If there has been a capacity for honesty, this can happen. (Do you remember that from page 58?) Capacity in this context just means 'ability'.
Some people do not possess the ability to be honest and these folks will never recover from alcoholism using this 12 Step method. Perhaps they will find another way - just not this one.
Contrary to what you may have heard from some podiums in AA meetings, the 12 Step method of evoking spiritual awakening and recovery in the manner prescribed is not effective for everyone.
In fact, if you are an active 'sponsor' then you already have become painfully aware that precious few actually complete and wholehearted try to adopt the principles discussed.
Now about "honesty."

Since we were not willing to be honest with doctors, with whom were we willing to be honest?

Unwilling to be honest with these sympathetic men, we were honest with no one else.
There are many good doctors out there who as powerless to help the alcoholic as the alcoholic is powerless to help himself.

What opinion do members of the medical profession really have for alcoholics?

Small wonder many in the medical profession have a low opinion of alcoholics and their chance for recovery!
Comment: In this day and age, under most circumstances, a doctor rarely goes unpaid, even when treating a deadbeat alcoholic.
These professionals are enabled with an ability to be compensated, either by the state, health insurance company or health plan provider and other means inherent in today’s healthcare and taxation system. At least in the US this is true.
Could it be that alcoholics are such egregious liars about their physical and mental condition, elements of their lifestyle and their motives, that doctors hold contempt for us?
Is it realistic for a reprobate alcoholic to expect doctors to unconditionally provide extended services indefinitely?
Put yourself in a doctor's place. Can you really blame them for the contempt many have for alcoholics?

What must we do?

We must be entirely honest with somebody
Please turn to page 74

Why must be entirely honest with someone?

if we expect to live long or happily in this world.
Have a spiritual awakening, continually try to improve that conscious contact with God and that is EXACTLY what will happen: a long happy life!

Should we be careful about who we take Step Five with?

Rightly and naturally, we think well before we choose the person or persons with whom to take this intimate and confidential step.
And this usually means a 'sponsor'.
And just who a “sponsor”?
Well, it isn’t in the Big Book, but for modern purposes we can associate the term ‘sponsor’ with “the man who is making the approach" . . . the one to take the un-recovered prospect through the steps as he turns his life and will over to God (not to the sponsor).
That man is someone with the same problem with booze, who clearly indicates through story, knowledge, and experience, that he knows what he is talking about.
It becomes positively clear that he has an answer.
He's someone who's had a spiritual awakening as the result of the 12 Steps, who tries to practice the spiritual principles supporting those steps in all his affairs . . . who has recovered, displaying no symptoms of alcoholism.
He is asymptomatic.
He has completed all of the amends that can be completed to date, prays and meditates daily, has mastered resentment, and is free from anger.
God has given him freedom from the bondage of self and he lives a life full of peace and ease because all his problems have been answered.
Long-term, codependent relationships with other 'still recovering' human beings is not a concept fostered by the co-authors of the Big Book, "Alcoholics Anonymous".
By and large such “bromancing,” and “romancing,” common in AA today, are the invention of some folks going forward, long after the inaugural successes of the AA fellowship.

Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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