Saturday, January 1, 2011

More About Alcoholism

Chapter: Three
Page: 32
Step we are on: Step One
Subject: The “Man of Thirty”
Good day everyone and Happy New Year. We are still in the Step One section of the book.
  • Did our friend have access to "help" for his drinking and did he utilize these resources?
Every means of solving his problem which money could buy was at his disposal.
  • How many attempts to stop drinking were successful?
every attempt failed

  • What was his condition at age 55?
though a robust man at retirement

Robust – Hardy, strong, lusty, muscular; as robust health.

The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938

  • For how long was he able to maintain this pattern of stopping and failing and stopping and failing?
he went to pieces quickly and was dead within four years.

This is the manner in which most alcoholics will eventually stop drinking.

The unfortunate truth is that very few alcoholics will ever have the opportunity to survive alcoholism by finding Alcoholics Anonymous, and the vast majority of those who do will fail to put our Program to the test.

They'll rely on the Fellowship and meetings rather than the time-tested cure of spiritual disease through a spiritual awakening, the subsequent removal of obsession, and a supernatural reprieve from the ravages of the malady—the vicious cycle of symptoms we have come to call, “Alcoholism.”

The will die miserable and drunk and if not drunk, then still sick and despised.

  • Are there one or more lessons in this story?
  • Have any of us ever thought that a good stretch of sobriety meant w could safely resume?
  • What did he find when he started drinking again?
  • What truth have we seen demonstrated repeatedly?
Peace & Love
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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