Monday, January 31, 2011

Page 34 - More About Alcoholism

Chapter: Three


Step we are on: Step One

Potential Alcoholic

  • Can we be successful in the early stages of the disease?
In the early days of our drinking we occasionally remained sober for a year or more,
  • What happens to us later on?
becoming serious drinkers again later.
  • Though a person is able to stop for a period, what may be the case?
Though you may be able to stop for a considerable period, you may yet be a potential alcoholic.

A person who can stop drinking when he needs or wants to stop is not yet a real alcholic.

This is irrelevant to whatever damage he does to himself or to his life when he IS drinking.

Even non-alcoholics can wreck their health, finances, families and life-style with too much booze!

  • If a person fails the tests, will he probably be interested in the content of this book?
We think few, to whom this book will appeal, can stay dry anything like a year.

  • Even though a real alcoholic may decide to quit for a year, how soon will most of them return to drinking?
  • If a person can’t drink moderately, what is the question?
  • What are we assuming?
  • What will determine whether or not a person can quit, for good and all, on a non-spiritual basis?

Peace & Love

Danny S – RLRA

Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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