Saturday, July 30, 2011

Whose Will?

Page: 39

Step we are on: Step One

Chapter: More About Alcoholism 

Subject: Fred the Accountant

  • What was it Fred would not do?
Fred would not believe himself an alcoholic,
  • What would Fred not accept?

much less accept a spiritual remedy for his problem.

  • What did the A.A.’s tell him?

We told him what we knew about alcoholism.

This is how the co-authors ran a 12 step 'call' - they presented the "Our description" in this book. It is what they knew about alcoholism. What society at large thought they knew about it was irrelevant. Hopefully when we 12 step today we know THAT description too. COLD! Because its the one that works.

Dr Drew's, Dr Phi's, The Interventionist's description of the alcoholic -none of these have ANY PLACE in an AA based 12 step call to a prospect for recovery by this means.

Please turn to page 40

  • Did he express any interest?

He was interested

  • To what did he concede?
and conceded that he had some of the symptoms,
Remember these guys are explaining (i) mental obsession AND (ii) physical craving (a possible allergy) to him. They KNEW how to do a 12 step call. They knew what were talking about when explaining alcoholism to Fred.

He had NO problem agreeing to THOSE
Concede - to yield as a point in debate, admit to be true. The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938

  • But he was that concession enough?

but he was a long way from admitting that he could do nothing about it himself.

He didn’t 'buy' the idea that that only God could help him. He thought he might still be able to 'manage' controlling it himself. It was still Fred's will and not Gods will that was governing Fred's thoughts and actions.

It doesn't do him well, as we shall see.

Peace & Love,

Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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