Step we are on: Step Two
Chapter: "We Agnostics"
Subject: Faith, Intellect,Open mindedness
Good morning. We are moving onto page 52.
People believed what?
Had not people said God had reserved this privilege to the birds?
Page Fifty-Two
But what did happen in a very few
Only thirty years later the conquest of the air was almost an old story and airplane travel was in full swing.
What is true in most fields today?
But in most fields our generation has witnessed complete liberation of our thinking.
Is the average person
capable of being open-minded about some things.
Show any longshoreman a Sunday supplement describing a proposal to explore the moon by means of a rocket and he will say "I bet they do it - maybe not so long either."
What is one thing that will
characterize our present generation?
Is not our age characterized by the ease with which we discard old ideas for new,
We are completely ready to do what?
by the complete readiness with which we throw away the theory or gadget which does not work for something new which does?
We can accept new ideas, provided THEY WORK! If they don't' work we are under no obligation to accept them, just because they are new.
Some of us are willing to accept any and all ideas --- as long as they are new. (Usually out of fear of being called close-minded) Reckless, spiritual naivete is not true tolerance. That is gullibility. Not all new ideas need to be accepted. They have to work!
The gift to be able to distinguish that "which does not work" from that really does work - comes from God as intuition.
Open-mindedness can be an intellectual asset, but it when it becomes gullibility it turns into a spiritual liability. To those unable to crossover from intellectual thought into the spiritual realm of understanding, those possessing spiritual faith; who have come to unshakable spiritual conclusions - are often seen as “close-minded.”
Unshakable faith seems an illogical, flimsy reed to those who are yet unable to escape the confines of the intellectual mind. There is distinction between open-mindedness and gullibility. Knowing the difference is vital.
The gift to be able to distinguish that "which does not work" from that really does work - comes from God as intuition.
Open-mindedness can be an intellectual asset, but it when it becomes gullibility it turns into a spiritual liability. To those unable to crossover from intellectual thought into the spiritual realm of understanding, those possessing spiritual faith; who have come to unshakable spiritual conclusions - are often seen as “close-minded.”
Unshakable faith seems an illogical, flimsy reed to those who are yet unable to escape the confines of the intellectual mind. There is distinction between open-mindedness and gullibility. Knowing the difference is vital.
and Love,
Danny S - RLRA
Real Live
Recovered Alcoholic
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