we are on: Three
5 - "How It Works"
The path, constitutionally incapable
Good morning. Let's get right into this Chapter. The co-authors are discussing just who has and who has not the ability to recover via their specific 12-step program?
- To be successful in this Program, are there many paths?
Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.
There are those who make the statement, “I don’t know how
it works.” We might suggest they take time to read this Basic Text. It states clearly how it works. It works very well if we work it.
Path - A footway, ordinarily considered as being narrower
than a road. ~ The
Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938
The Broad Highway (Fellowship) leads to the Road of Happy Destiny
(The 12-Step method) which can bring us to a very narrow path. It's a path
that really leads somewhere, to the discovery of God - as we shall discover
later on in this book.
- Who will not recover?
Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program,
Some people just will not do this. The idea that, "If
I can do it, then anyone can," is not a truth. If we are active work with
others, we discover this to be appallingly true.
- What is usually their natural problem?
usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves.
- Are there such people?
There are such unfortunates.
- Why are they that way?
They are not at fault; they seem to have been born that way.
For those of us who live the 12-step kind of lifestyle for any length of time, years
of experience in working with others will include attending funerals and wakes - and
consoling the spouses and parents of dead alcoholics. It abundantly confirms the morbid
realities of spiritual disease and ensuing obsessions, like alcoholism.
It seems key to thoroughly follow the same path they did!
So much for the idea that there are MANY WAYS to do this Program. Our lifestyle may have benefits for all, but recovery from alcoholism will not be so all inclusive. The sad truth is that most real alcoholics, whether they "go to meetings" or not - will eventually die alcohol deaths, spiritually sick, angry and full of fear. The only hope is a spiritual awakening.
So much for the idea that there are MANY WAYS to do this Program. Our lifestyle may have benefits for all, but recovery from alcoholism will not be so all inclusive. The sad truth is that most real alcoholics, whether they "go to meetings" or not - will eventually die alcohol deaths, spiritually sick, angry and full of fear. The only hope is a spiritual awakening.
Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
My old sponsor used to say,"If you want what I have,then do what I did."