Thursday, August 9, 2012

Is There An Easier Softer Way?

Step we are on: Three

Chapter: 5 - "How It Works"

Subject: The path, balk, constitutionally incapable

Good morning. Is there an easier soft way. If there is, the co-founders sure couldn't find it.

  • Do we proceed with the entire program enthusiastically?
 At some of these we balked.

Balk – 1.(In baseball) A false motion made by the pitcher to deceive another player as the direction of the ball 2. to hinder or disappoint 3. to stop short as a horse and refuse to go 4. to swerved ~ The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938

  • With our sound sense of reasoning, what do we try to do?
We thought we could find an easier, softer way.
  • Could we find it?
But we could not.
Comment:  We recovered alcoholics can assure every chronic alcoholic that these Steps, when taken as directed, are not easy nor are they soft.

With our sound sense of reasoning, what do we try to do?

We thought we could find an easier, softer way."

Could they find it?

"But we could not."

We recovered alcoholics can assure every chronic alcoholic that these Steps, when taken as directed, are not easy nor are they soft.

Isn’t it silly how we sometimes hear people say that the steps are the "easier softer way?" If they are, the co-authors of "Alcoholics Anonymous" sure didn’t think so.

The Steps are constantly depicted in this book as hard and difficult.

They could find no such way. Even though they looked.

Don't mislead. Please don't ever tell a newcomer that the 12 Step approach to finding a solution to their alcohol problem is in any way easy or soft.

Things do not even approach 'easy' until Step 11. The good news is that peace and ease follows at that time.
What do we sincerely beg of you?
With all the earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start.
  • Which of our old ideas, beliefs or opinions are worth retaining?
  • What must we do with our old ideas?
  • What must we remember?
  • Must we have help?
  • Who has all the Power?
  • When should we try to find Him?

Peace and  Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic


  1. I'd agree that the steps are not easy or soft at all... except when compared to drinking bourbon. Then they're easier than ... Sunday Morning.

  2. Ooh I love these questions...I know I know...nine, smash'em,that we deal wit alcohol, yes!, God, now!...

  3. Ooh I love these questions...I know I know...nine, smash'em,that we deal wit alcohol, yes!, God, now!...
