Step We Are On: Nine
Page: 78
Chapter: 6 “Into Action”
Subject: Amends
Good morning. Welcome back. We are still on page 78, please.
The co-authors are telling us what may be likely while making amends.
- If we are open and honest with them, what often happens?
Approached in this way, the most ruthless creditor will sometimes surprise us.
- How do we go about settling our financial amends?
Arranging the best deal we can we let these people know we are sorry
- What caused the need for these amends?
Our drinking has made us slow to pay.
- What must we lose?
We must lose our fear of creditors no matter how far we have to go,
We still have creditors. But we must lose our fear of them.
There is no shame in looking a creditor in the eye or getting on the phone with the IRS and fearlessly saying, “I don’t have it. I am broke.”
Spiritually awake and aware people always tell the truth.
Our fears are falling from us.
- Why is this so important?
for we are liable to drink if we are afraid to face them.
This is Step Nine. The spiritual awakening has already kicked
in (Between steps 5 and 7) .
That awakening is characterized in part by the abatement of dread and emotional expectation of harm. We “commence(d) to outgrow fear” began back in Step Four, if you will recall.
That awakening is characterized in part by the abatement of dread and emotional expectation of harm. We “commence(d) to outgrow fear” began back in Step Four, if you will recall.
If the loss of fear is not your experience, then something is
wrong. And if something is wrong, then how far off can the obsessive desire to drink be?
It's close.
It's close.
Here's a tip on the IRS (or HMRC) issue: They will find you. Find them first! You'll be happy you did.
Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
* TAXES AMENDS (a personal reflection)
Despite a $300,000 TAX
LIABILITY nipping at my heels, over a decade ago I "came in out of the cold." Restored faith does wonders.
After being a “non-filer” for almost 20 years I am these days a legitimate,
taxpaying US citizen with a voice, no longer slinking around in the shadows,
grumbling about the IRS and the tax code, hoping the revenuers don't catch up
with me. Now I grumble LOUDLY, with no anger or fear but with patriotic dignity
as has always been my right – but
somehow now I feel the uprightness within those rights I had prior to
becoming a scofflaw. It makes a
difference, to be able to look the world
in the eye. If you are interested in coming clean with the Feds yourself drop me a line and I'll tell you how it happened with me. It really isn't as hard as you fear - especially when there is no fear. I can help! Find me on Facebook and we'll talk.
~ danny
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