Step We Are On: Nine
Page: 78
Chapter: 6 “Into Action”
Subject: Amends, Criminal Offenses
Read Time: < 1 min.
Read Time: < 1 min.
Good morning. We are seeing just how much danger may be involved when making amends.
- What might be the consequences?
We may lose our position or reputation or face jail,
- But we must be what?
but we are willing.
Spiritually awakened and contrite does not mean we do not have to pay for our crimes.
- Is this optional? (Two sentences)
We have to be. We must not shrink at anything.
Shrink - to draw back, as from danger or threat.
~ The Winston Simplified Dictionary
Encyclopedic Edition (1938)
- If other people might be involved, what are we not to do? (Two sentences)
Usually, however, other people are involved. Therefore, we are not to be the hasty and foolish martyr who would needlessly sacrifice others to save himself from the alcoholic pit.
A good example of this next. The deadbeat dad. Stay tuned.
Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic