Thursday, March 31, 2011

Page 35 - More About Alcoholism

Page: 35
Step we are on: Step One

Subject: Mental Condition, Jim the Salesman, Insanity, Two Fold illness, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs. Abnormal

Good morning. We are still looking at Jim the Salesman.

  • Was Jim good at his profession?

He is a good salesman.

  • Was he a popular person?

Everybody likes him.

  • Was he a dummy?

He is an intelligent man,

  • Did he appear to be normal or abnormal?

normal so far as we can see,

  • Except for what?
except for a nervous disposition.
Not a fellow to stand out in a crowd. Not overly intellectual; not unpopular. He seems 'normal' to those around him, even with his tendency toward 'nervousness'.  

Which of course indicates that there must be something terribly wrong with Jim. We'll soon see just why he is so "nervous".

Disposition - inclination, especially to a feeling or mood.
The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938

Peace & Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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