Monday, March 28, 2011

Page 35 - More About Alcoholism

Page: 35

Step we are on:
Step One

Mental Condition, Two Fold illness, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs Abnormal

  • What kind of family did Jim have?

This man has a charming wife and family.

  • Had he worked for and earned the business he owned? had he inherited?

He inherited a lucrative automobile agency.

Actively Alcoholic folks aren't known for the their discipline in business. About the only way someone like Jim could get his hands on a lucrative business would be to be born into one. (Or marry into it)

  • How was his war record?

He had a commendable World War record.

  • Was he good at his profession?
  • Was he a popular person?
  • Was he a dummy?
  • Did he appear to be normal or abnormal?
  • Except for what?

Peace & Love,

Danny S – RLRA

Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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