Monday, July 25, 2011

Fred Does the Jitterbug (P.39 - More About Alcoholism)

Page: 39

Step we are on: Step One

Subject: Mental Condition, Fred the Accountant, Insanity, Two Fold illness, Nervous, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs. Abnormal

Good morning. I hope everyone h
ad a great weekend despite the heat. Let's get right into Fred's case.

Notice how all of these Step One 'vignettes' in these first forty-three pages of this Book ALL have one subject in common; how they carried the message (Twelve Stepping) to other alcoholics - in what we today call a "12 step call".

That is what all of these stories entail.

When had the A.A.’s first seen Fred?

We first saw Fred about a year ago

  • Where did they meet him?

in a hospital

  • Why did he say he was there?

where he had gone to recover from a bad case of jitters.

Jitter – Extreme nervousness, state of excitability.
The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938

Sounds like Fred has something in common with Jim the Salesman who also suffered from a "nervous disposition". Have you ever been characterized as "nervous".

  • Had he experienced this before?

It was his first experience of this kind,

  • How did he feel about it?

and he was much ashamed of it.

Question: Were feelings of 'shame' ever enough to get you to stop?


  • Could he admit that he was an alcoholic?
  • What rationalization did he come up with?
  • What did the doctor try to impress on him?
  • How were his spirits?
  • What decision did he make?
  • Did he have any doubt that he could manage that decision?
  • Was he apparently successful at every other area of his life?

Peace & Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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