Friday, July 22, 2011

Meet Fred the Accountant (P.39 - More About Alcoholism)

Page: 39

Step we are on: Step One

Subject: Mental Condition, Fred the Accountant, Insanity, Two Fold illness, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs. Abnormal

Please go to page 39.

Have you ever wondered how the rich and famous - sports, music and Hollywood celebrities could allow their lives to get so unmanageable?
Well, they don't necessarily allow it. Yet, it happens; and our Big Book clearly shows why.

As we begin our examination of Fred the Accountant, some of those dynamics come to light.
Also, unlike the fictional Jaywalker, Fred's story is REAL and therefore extremely powerful. Not only does it illustrate the obsession but also the physical craving (allergy) contained within the two fold syndrome called "alcoholism".

It also makes an important point: That it isn’t the external losses, or the material consequences of drinking that determines whether or not one is “alcoholic”. It’s MUCH deeper than that, much more diabolical.

It also shows how a BOTTOM has nothing to do with finances or social position. We DON'T have to LOSE everything to reach bottom! Reaching bottom is an internal-spiritual crisis felt in the 'soul'; far more painful than the discomfort generated by self-pity. "My life sucks" doesnt come close.
If the pans material loss were a prerequisite for getting well then no one with wealth, fame or power could ever recover. And that isn't true. They can recover and some do.
As we study Fred’s story, again, look for the similarities. Also, this story contains an example of the perfect 12 Step Call.
  • What was Fred’s profession?
Fred is partner in a well known accounting firm.

  • Was he in good shape materially?
His income is good, he has a fine home,
  • How was his home life?
is happily married and the father of promising children of college age.

  • What kind of personality did he have?
He has so attractive a personality that he makes friends with everyone.
Being a social outcast is NOT a prerequisite for chronic alcoholism.
  • How was his business life?
If ever there was a successful business man, it is Fred.
  • Did he appear to be a really normal person, doing well in every area of his life?
To all appearance he is a stable, well balanced individual
What was his one problem?

Yet, he is alcoholic.

Social standing, wealth, celebrity and material possessions have NOTHING to do with being an alcoholic. Nothing. And contrary to some conventional wisdom it also has nothing to do with recovering from it either. NOTHING.
No wonder the co-authors characterization alcoholism includes the word "cunning".
We learn more abut this phenomenon as we process with studying Fred' case. Stay with us.

  • When had the A.A.’s first seen Fred?
  • We first saw Fred about a year ago
  • Where did they meet him?
  • Why did he say he was there?
  • Had he experienced this before?
  • How did he feel about it?

Peace & Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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