Monday, August 15, 2011

Fred Gets Schooled (P.40 - More About Alcoholism)

Page: 40

Step we are on: Step One

Subject: Mental Condition, Fred the Accountant, Insanity, Two Fold illness, Nervous, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs. Abnormal

Fred gets it.  He is blown away by the knowledge the boys bring him about alcoholism and is sufficiently brought up to speed by the classic, Big Book (AA) mental and physical (Two Fold) description of alcoholism. 

Is it time for Fred to "Just Don't Drink" his way to sobriety? 
  • Was Fred convinced that he should stop drinking?
The story he told is most instructive, for here was a chap absolutely convinced he had to stop drinking, who had no excuse for drinking, who exhibited splendid judgment and determination in all his other concerns, yet was flat on his back nevertheless.
  • With what was he impressed?
Let him tell you about it: "I was much impressed with what you fellows said about alcoholism,

  • What did he not believe?
and I frankly did not believe it would be possible for me to drink again.

  • What ideas impressed him the most?
I rather appreciated your ideas about the subtle insanity which precedes the first drink,
Comment: Remember, the A.A.’s only told him about alcoholism and bore down on the subtle insanity that precedes the first drink; the alcoholic mind. They had made no mention of the Solution they had found. Not yet.
  • Of what was he confident?
but I was confident it could not happen to me after what I had learned.

  • What was his reasoning?
I reasoned I was not so far advanced as most of you fellows, that I had been usually successful in licking my other personal problems, and that I would therefore be successful where you men failed. 
It sounds like Fred has been pretty well 'educated' by his twelve stepping friends on the "description of the alcoholic."  He knows "where it takes him" and that he had better do something about it. 
Let's see how far his impressive knowledge and "Just Don't Drink" idea got him . . . . .

Peace & Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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