Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Self-Confidence vs God Confidence (P.40 More About Alcoholism)

Page: 40 

Step we are on: 

Step One Subject: Mental Condition, Fred the Accountant, Insanity, Two Fold illness, Nervous, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs. Abnormal

Fred the Accountant has a lot of "SELF" Confidence. Lets see how that works for him

Please turn to page 40 - continued

  • Why did he feel self-confident that he could manage his decision to never drink again?
I felt I had every right to be self-confident, that it would be only a matter of exercising my will power and keeping on guard.
Fred's was sure his will power would take care of it!  Really?

Self-confidence – a state of feeling sure that one's own ability is equal to the demand upon; self-reliance 2. Conceited assurance. The Winston Simplified Dictionary, 1938

Con- fi DEO - Literally "Together with God." Could SELF confidence relate at all to taking on the role of ones own God? In other words, "Playing God?" Very similar to "self- esteem" meaning high value placed upon ME by ME!

How many of us clamor for this "self-esteem" and are told that 'self-esteem' is something we lack when the problem of the real alcoholic is not too little self-esteem - it is too MUCH self esteem! The alcoholic is even willing to pay for it! (Human aided counseling, rehabs, "talking cures") Why would we think that agnostic solutions are solutions at all?

Question: Has anyone told you that your problem is too little self-esteem? (Did that person have anything to gain by being a source "esteem" for you?)

  • In that frame of mind, he did what?
"In this frame of mind, I went about my business
  • How was everything going?
and for a time all was well.

  • What was it he was having no trouble with?
I had no trouble refusing drinks,
  • What did his alcoholic mind begin to wonder?
and began to wonder if I had not been making too hard work of a simple matter.
Comment: This is the equivalent of a chronic alcoholic’s mind believing that the owner of that mind can get by without having a spiritual experience. Something inside begins talking to him telling him "You've got it now!"  There will always be Something inside trying to seduce him into Self-reliance upon Self will -  But it is when he begins to listen and obey that lying "inner voice'' that obsessive alcoholic is instantly thrust back into deep trouble. 

Peace and  Love,

Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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