Page: 60
Step we are on: Three
Chapter: 5 - "How It Works"
Subject: Spiritual growth, Progress, Our description of the alcoholic
- What are the principles they have set down designed to do?
are guides to progress.
- What do we gain as the result of following these principles?
We claim spiritual progress
The path to God is a journey and growth means progress. We get better and better when we move toward God on that path.
- But we will never achieve what?
rather than spiritual perfection.
Now the co-authors refer to three sections of this book:
1) “Our description of the alcoholic,” that description is covered across Chapters One, Two and Three)
You mean AA has a ‘description of the alcoholic?” – Sure does. Right in its book, and you had better have it down cold if you expect to help others using the method presented in it.
(How many people in AA meetings, who call themselves members of Alcoholics Anonymous, have no idea what “our description of the alcoholic” actually is? Does this laxity keep with Primary Purpose?)
2) “the chapter to the agnostic” Chapter Four
3)“and our personal adventures before and after . . . .
Question: Before and after what?
Answer: Before and after the spiritual awakening.
Page 60 - continued
- What do these make clear?
. . . . make clear three pertinent ideas:
And we shall look at those ideas tomorrow.
Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
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