Page: 60
Step we are on: Three
Chapter: 5 - "How It Works"
Subject: Spiritual growth, Price of recovery
Read Time: 1.5 mins.
Read Time: 1.5 mins.
- What do many of us exclaim?
Many of us exclaimed, "What an order! I can't go through with it."
Remember, Bill told us on page 14 that, “These were revolutionary and drastic proposals...”
Spiritual awakening by this method is a little pricey.
Simple, but not easy; a price had to be paid. (14:1)
And later in this study, we will hear that Dr. Bob say, “A spiritual experience, he conceded, was absolutely necessary, but the price seemed high upon the basis suggested.” (155:3)
- Should we just throw our hands up and quit?
Do not be discouraged.
- How many of us are doing this perfectly?
- No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles.
Did you experience a little "balk" when doing the 4th step inventory? Or perhaps procrastinate on an amends, maybe putting off until next week an amends that should have been made today? Did you ever discover in Step Eleven that you had failed to follow through on an earlier Step Ten event? Then welcome to the club!
- They certainly aren't' what?
We are not saints.
No, they sure were not. But hopefully, some of them were growing in that direction.
- If we really want to recover, we must be willing to do what?
The point is that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines.
The point made here isn't to feel spiritual, to read spiritual, or to sound spiritual. Heck, the sickest most depraved, spiritually sick lunatic can do that. We experience it all the time in media, on speaker-recordings, in popular New Age literature, with dharmic cults and prosperity preachers.
It also isn't to grow the length of sobriety, as if that were enough to impress a newcomer into this way of life. For a real alcoholic, it isn't. It's not to increase our mental stores of spiritual knowledge either – but it is to progress and grow spiritually, which means getting closer and closer to God through conscious contact with Him.
There are 24 hours in each day. Our progress begins with one moment of consciousness. Improvement comes, as more time in each day we become consciously connected with Him as well.
Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
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