Page: 60
Step we are on: Three
Chapter: 5 - "How It Works"
Subject: Here are the Steps We Took
Good morning. Just what happens to us by the time we reach Step Eleven and in Step Twelve, what are all our affairs?
“All” of our affairs are (i) our "12 stepping" efforts with other alcoholics who are still sick, (ii) personal (man/woman) relationships, (iii) families, (iv) careers, (v) other alcoholics and finally (vi) the AA fellowship.
“All” of our affairs are (i) our "12 stepping" efforts with other alcoholics who are still sick, (ii) personal (man/woman) relationships, (iii) families, (iv) careers, (v) other alcoholics and finally (vi) the AA fellowship.
These areas are the entire range covered - chapter-by-chapter (6-11) - in this book - and it is broad but it is enough to well cover all aspects of our lives--there being a chapter devoted to each of these categories.
Accordingly, Step 12 is covered from page 89 through 164, a whopping 75 pages, out of 164.
Comment: “We feel that elimination of our drinking is but a beginning. A much more important demonstration of our principles [Twelve Steps] lies before us in our respective homes, occupations, and affairs.” [p. 19]
- What is the promise of having taken the first eleven Steps?
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps,
The only result of the Twelve Steps is to have a spiritual awakening, not sobriety! Just look at Step Twelve. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." The result of these steps that we can expect IS NOT SOBRIETY. It is to have a spiritual awakening. Surprise, surprise, surprise!
- What must we then try to do?
we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,
This is our Primary Purpose
Primary - First in order of origin, time or place first in order of development. ~ The Winston Simplified Dictionary – 1938
Where else must we apply these Steps? and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Sometimes we hear folks say that Step 12 ends in the middle of the book (typically page 103) but this is only to eliminate most of the “all my affairs” portion of the 12 step lifestyle.
Easier softer ways - such half-measures are not advised in this study. The complete 12 steps begins on page one and ends on 164. The whole book. Not 'half' of it.
All the editing that was ever going to be done on this book has already taken place--back in 1938. Please don’t allow short-cutters pull pages out of your Big Book!
- What do many of us exclaim?
Many of us exclaimed, "What an order! I can't go through with it."
- Should we just throw our hands up and quit?
Do not be discouraged.
Later we shall learn about Dr. Bob’s attitude in this regard. When Bill first approached him Bob thought, “A spiritual experience. . . was absolutely necessary, but the price seemed high upon the basis suggested.” He eventually went on to pay the full price and recover.
Peace and Love,
Danny S – RLRA
Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
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