Sunday, May 22, 2011

Page 36 - More About Alcoholism

Page: 36

Step we are on:
Step One

Subject: Mental Condition, Jim the Salesman, Insanity, Two Fold illness, Pre-lapse, Relapse, Normal vs. Abnormal

  • Did Jim stop for a drink?

I had no intention of drinking.

Sometimes folks who do not fully identify with our kind of alcoholic (we had become subject to mental obsession) can have hard time wrapping their brains around this. They are unable to fully believe that this could be true. They think Jim must have had some secret plan or subconscious scheme. However is Jim is a real alcoholic -- for 'one of us' the obsession hits like a freight train. One second its not there - the next it is. Insanity is just that way. If asked, Jim would probably have passed a lie detector test on this question. If probed, his conscience would likely be clear --- IF he is a real alcoholic. The idea that Jim was setting himself up to drink is disputed simply by reading this book carefully.

  • What did he think he would do?

I just thought I would get a sandwich.

  • What else did he hope he might find?

I also had the notion that I might find a customer for a car at this place,

In today’s economy, it is doubtful a car salesman would leave the showroom to go looking for a prospective car buyer but this was during the Great Depression. People were very fortunate to have any type of job and the majority were unemployed. Bill was one of those who didn’t have a source of income except what Lois earned. Dr Bob’s practice was all but dead. Had it been a period of prosperity, Alcoholics Anonymous would not have been born.

  • Was this place unfamiliar to him?

which was familiar for I had been going to it for years.

  • Was he setting himself up? for a slip by stopping there?
I had eaten there many times during the months I was sober.
Up until this day, Tuesday, he has been sober for several months, and STILL on Step Two. A classic, Twelve Step “balk”. The fool.

  • What did he do after he sat down?
  • Had the thought of drinking crossed his mind?
  • He apparently was still hungry, so what did he do?
  • What insane thought suddenly crossed his mind?
  • Did he act sanely on the insane thought?

Peace & Love,

Danny S – RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic

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